Teachers - JONATHAN

Where Students Love to Learn!


畢業於University of Glamorgan,擁有英語教育文憑。曾於英國任教,有教授不同類型學生的經驗。為人主動熱情,有教學熱誠,擅用富創意而又生動的教學方法帶動學生學習,懂得與學生建立良好的師生關係。

I believe that learning can come easily, given the right conditions.

Students need to be in a safe, relaxing and engaging environment with access to a wide range of materials that are carefully selected to the needs of the learners and aims of a lesson. As well as this, students deserve a teacher who is knowledgeable, creative and is able to inspire, guide and enthuse, regardless of a students' ability or reason for learning. Within such an environment, a strong working relationship between the student and teacher can be formed, and not only can learning take place, but it will do so in a way that students' can enjoy.
I aim to create this environment through dedication, passion and integrity, allowing learning to continue outside of the classroom with a friendly open door policy. My lessons are tailored to the needs of students; they are challenging, but not a struggle, fun but not irrelevant and structured but not restrictive. I promote interaction and expression in the classroom and instil confidence; celebrating curiosity and self discovery, creating a place where students love to learn.